


Observation of a Walk

I took a walk in the park in the morning.
The weather is getting colder, and some of the water surfaces have already frozen, but I didn't notice until I walked past an arch bridge and saw a magpie walking on the water surface. The lotus leaves and fallen leaves were all fixed in place by a thin layer of ice. The magpie walked freely without slipping, probably thanks to its sharp claws. It was indeed cold; I wore gloves and kept my fists clenched, but my outfit was still from a month ago. It wasn't particularly cold, just a bit chilly, so it was time to wear a down jacket.

The leaves of the chicken-foot maple haven't fallen yet; they were covered with a layer of frost, resembling the texture of an oil painting.

A sanitation worker carried a fuel-powered blower, vigorously blowing the fallen leaves from the bushes. His pants swayed backward due to the strong wind, and the leaves in front of him were blown away. Not far away, someone was using two rakes to gather the raked leaves into a green snake-skin bag.

There was a very young sanitation worker, probably in his 20s or 30s, quite sturdy, around 1.8 meters tall, wearing a blue and white striped short-sleeve shirt and green fluorescent work pants. He kept sweeping the runway but would stop to wipe his sweat, making it seem like it was summer.

A gentleman who had been behind me gradually overtook me. I noticed his shoes, which looked quite thick, but I couldn't tell the brand. I remembered that the shopping app has a photo recognition feature, so I took a picture and found that the Redmi indeed wasn't stable and hard to capture. I took out my old iPhone and tried to photograph the heel, but it couldn't recognize it. I quickened my pace and took a photo from about a 45-degree angle, and finally recognized it as Kappa. From a distance, it looked like Double Star, but I finally figured it out.

There was a man on the runway who ran in a zigzag pattern when he encountered a small slope; it was the first time I had seen that. But whatever works for him.

My lips are a bit chapped; I don't know if it's because I had a small spoonful of Lao Gan Ma yesterday or if it was because I ate too many spicy peppers at lunch.

Around 8:00, while riding my electric bike at the intersection, I ran into my upstairs neighbor. The chubby guy was still having Danxiang bread for breakfast and was already late. However, compared to when he often skipped school in the first grade, he has made some progress this time in first grade.

I saw a white pickup truck by the roadside, a bit dirty, belonging to the law enforcement team. It reminded me that in the past few days, the makeshift shelters built by the merchants in the storefronts had all been dismantled on-site by workers called in by the law enforcement team, and I noticed that the signs of the storefronts were now clear.

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